Tag: bluetooth

Motorola Roadster Mini-Review

I picked up a Roadster recently after the idea was recommended to me by a fellow gdgt user.

I’m not going to say much as there are a few reviews out there already, but I would like to touch on something that the reviews didn’t mention – the volume level. The Roadster is designed to sit just a foot or so away from your face on the driver-side visor of your car. At this small distance away, the volume level far exceeds my phone’s speakerphone and in fact, the volume of the Roadster is much higher than any phone’s built in speakerphone (that I have encountered). Read More

Android Error 1, -17 Audio/Video Playback

If you’ve been experiencing strange behavior on your Android handset, the culprit could be the official Twitter app.

Recently my podcasts refused to play without a reboot of my phone. The first few times it happened I simply chalked it up to Android and its quirks. But then it became consistent. Not necessarily scheduled, but regular enough  to be annoying. I found myself dreading the moment when I would grab my phone to listen to Tech news Today or Security Now and my phone would spit that annoying error at me.

What to look for:

Once I figured that it was a real issue, I started to notice it in other areas; do any of these seem familiar to you?

  • YouTube app: “Cannot Play Video”
  • Camera app: “Camera Failed”
  • Doggcatcher: “Error -17” (or something similar)
  • Listen: “unable to play file”
  • Pandora: It just sits and spins, no verbose error.

So basically it’s an epic fail of any audio and video. A fix that I figured out that was (arguably) faster than a reboot was to unmount and re-mount the SD card. Something was definitely up. Even worse than the error itself was the fact that the above errors were so numerous and app dependent. Searches online turned up nothing; that’s what this post is for. Read More
