Tag: responsive

16 Impressive Responsive Designs Via: digital-telepathy

16 Responsive Designs

Check out Jason’s latest post on the digital-telepathy blog. It’s not 3D related, but it’s a great read nonetheless.

New WordPress Plugin: Fluid Video Embeds

Lately I’ve been “dog-fooding” a lot of the work I do; forcing myself to actually use all of the products and code that I write. This is nothing new, but as of late I’ve been taking it to heart. If I code something, it has to be worthy of me using it on my site, or my mom’s site, etc.

If you don’t feel like reading, check out the live demo page. Or read on and find out why I created this and what the big deal is.

WordPress has a great auto-magic way of handling video and photo embeds; oEmbed. It allows you to paste a YouTube URL or a Flickr photo page URL into your post and it handles the rest. It will embed the YouTube video automatically, it will embed the Flickr photo with an appropriately sized image linked to the original, and the list of “providers” is ample!

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New Design/Theme

I’m studying up on responsive design and decided to design an exceedingly simple but functional theme for my site.

What you’re seeing right now is just the base theme that I will customize further once I’m happy with the framework.

Try resizing your window or viewing this site on an iPad. You’ll notice that the navigation changes, the sidebar becomes the footer and the prev/next posts buttons become sticky and stay with you when you scroll.

Update: Oct 30th 2011
I’ve removed the sticky prev/next buttons as they don’t play very well with the Android browsers… Booooo!

Update: Apr 10th 2012
I’ve further simplified the design for aesthetic reasons. The sidebar is no more and the typography has been changed a bit. The layout is also no longer fluid. It is still responsive in that it uses media queries, but it’s not ‘flexy’ like it was before.
