Author: Jamie Hamel-Smith

More W.I.P. Images of My Latest Bike Model

Here are a couple more images of my progress on the “Generic Sport Bike”. One of the challenges with this model is knowing when a part is done. It’s easy to get carried away with the details.

In the images, you can see the “rear hugger” and the tail Read More

Detailed View of Front Fender and Mounts

Here are a couple of shots of the front fender mounts on my latest bike model. I’m not working from much reference material for this bike, so these are just off the top of my head. The brighter image is the same as the darker image, but with the exposure increased so you can see the mount in the shadows from the reverse side.

This might also be a nice opportunity to criticize me for the absurdity of creating Subdivision based brake rotors. *wink*

Triangulation on TWiT


TWiT (This Week in Tech) is where I get my tech news and general audio entertainment from. Whether I’m on my commute, writing some late-night code, or just unwinding there’s always something for me on the TWiT network. One of the more innovative shows (I think) is Triangulation. Read More

Motorola Roadster Mini-Review

I picked up a Roadster recently after the idea was recommended to me by a fellow gdgt user.

I’m not going to say much as there are a few reviews out there already, but I would like to touch on something that the reviews didn’t mention – the volume level. The Roadster is designed to sit just a foot or so away from your face on the driver-side visor of your car. At this small distance away, the volume level far exceeds my phone’s speakerphone and in fact, the volume of the Roadster is much higher than any phone’s built in speakerphone (that I have encountered). Read More

Google's Dashboard

I was just reading some of the FAQs for Google's new privacy policy; not much to talk about there, but then I clicked on over to my Dashboard… There's a lot more stuff in there now. Android stuff, speech recognition stuff eg: Personalized recognition: 262 voice recordings Most recent: on Nov 22, 2011 The Social Connections and Content section raises an eyebrow too.

I mean, I for one welcome our new overlords, but it's the first time that the breadth of information they have scares me a little. Check out your Dashboard if you have not done so lately. #blog

Embedded Link

Google Accounts

Images of a Motorcycle Cockpit created Entirely with Subdivision Surfaces

Here are a couple of images from one of my W.I.P models. Read More

Cyanogenmod (The Way Android Should Be)

I’m going to start this post with two links. These links lead to the most valuable communities in the Android world (for the end user):

At this point if I don’t sound kind of silly it’s because you’ve heard of or enlisted the help of these communities. XDA is a collection of extremely talented developers how have normal day jobs like you and I, but spend their time trying to make their phones prettier, faster, and better. ‘Cyanogen’ is a custom ROM or Firmware that has had nothing but acclaim since the cellphone carriers started to treat your phone like a billboard (more on that in a bit). Read More

Beat Hazard

In my recent search for the most psychedelic space shooter… (I didn’t realize I was searching but clearly I am) Beat Hazard is the latest find. I’ve often seen update notifications go by in my Steam RSS feed and this told me the developer was active, but I’d never played the game. This week during the annual Steam Holiday Sale, impulse buying got the better of me and I grabbed a copy of Beat Hazard. Read More

Subdivision Modeling of Sport Bike Rear Sets


What is Waves?

Waves is a dual-stick shooter with beautifully immersive visuals and a collection of very addictive game modes. To put it simply, it’s an arcade style game where you shoot things. I hate to compare it to an existing success, but if you love Geometry Wars, you’ll adore Waves. Before I get into a brief review and show a few screen shots, here’s the developer’s Read More

A Brief History of My Browsers

I recently thought about the older browsers I used when I didn’t know any better, and it immediately dawned on me; I used to use IE6 and I liked it kind of… The thing is that I didn’t know any better.

Back in 2004

I was surfing 3D forums at my workplace on a dial up modem back in late 2004 and one of my forums was taking longer than usual to load (we’re talking minutes here). One of our neighbors in the building was a small web company Read More

Rage Avatars WordPress Plugin

At my day job I write WordPress plugins all the time. We love that platform. Writing a plugin for me is typically an exercise of utility, so when I decided to create my first “Jamie” plugin I wanted it to be almost pointless. Since Humor is one of my loves in life, I decided to create a WordPress plugin based around Read More
