Author: Jamie Hamel-Smith

Microsoft + Skype = Less Privacy

It looks like Microsoft might be trying to modify the way Skype works to make it possible to listen in on your conversations; and then potentially advertise to you based on what you’re chatting about. (I’m guessing) Read More

Google’s Public Transit Navigation Looks Awesome!

Check out Google’s post about their new maps feature:
Google Maps 5.7 for Android introduces Transit Navigation (Beta) and more

Be sure to check out the video in the post linked above too. Read More

The Blade mCPX RC Helicopter

I waited a while before buying this helicopter as I was perfectly happy with my Blade mSR plus I already had a HoneyBee and a T-Rex 450 clone. Still, it’s a very impressive piece of kit and I knew I would have to get one eventually. Read More

Champion Sound Checkout Process

Here are two simple videos of the Champion Sound checkout process. I worked on several version of this site with my co-worker Matt Lackey at digital-telepathy. The “cart” logic was a focal point as the purchasing of credits was awkward. in the videos you’ll see a landing page and an upgrade page. The landing page was presented to users who were not logged in, while the upgrade page was for authenticated users. Read More

Tricky Event Repetition in Google Calendar

Here’s a quick tip that I found while trying to setup special annual holiday reminders for my father in Australia. If you wanted to setup an annual recurring event on the first Sunday of every September for instance, follow these steps: Read More

WordPress Self Compare Fail-safe Sequence

While editing one of my website pages I wanted to see what would happen if I compared the same revision with itself. It’s nice to see that the WordPress developers have a sense of humor! Read More

Android Error 1, -17 Audio/Video Playback

If you’ve been experiencing strange behavior on your Android handset, the culprit could be the official Twitter app.

Recently my podcasts refused to play without a reboot of my phone. The first few times it happened I simply chalked it up to Android and its quirks. But then it became consistent. Not necessarily scheduled, but regular enough  to be annoying. I found myself dreading the moment when I would grab my phone to listen to Tech news Today or Security Now and my phone would spit that annoying error at me.

What to look for:

Once I figured that it was a real issue, I started to notice it in other areas; do any of these seem familiar to you?

  • YouTube app: “Cannot Play Video”
  • Camera app: “Camera Failed”
  • Doggcatcher: “Error -17” (or something similar)
  • Listen: “unable to play file”
  • Pandora: It just sits and spins, no verbose error.

So basically it’s an epic fail of any audio and video. A fix that I figured out that was (arguably) faster than a reboot was to unmount and re-mount the SD card. Something was definitely up. Even worse than the error itself was the fact that the above errors were so numerous and app dependent. Searches online turned up nothing; that’s what this post is for. Read More

Turbocharger (Untextured)

Here are a few images of one of my latest models available on TurboSquid:

Feel free to check out the full listing and let me know what you think of it in the comments below. I’m always grateful of honest feedback.

Render of a Turbo Cassette

I decided to spend the better part of my Friday night doing what clears my mind from Web Development: 3D!

Here’s a quick render of my latest model:

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Blade mSR Batteries

I recently grabbed a few Tenergy batteries for my Blade mSR from eBay and I thought I got a great deal. As it turned out, the little Lipos I got from eBay/Tenergy weren’t that good. After about 7 flights each, they stopped holding a charge.

I know that Lipos need to be taken care of and I do take care of my batteries, so their sudden expiration wasn’t due to over-discharging or recharging while still hot. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had this issue with Tenergy single cell, 150-160 mah Lipos.


Hello Bar Stats

I recently worked on adding some nifty date range selection to the stats system on Hello Bar. Read More

Champion Sound Home Page Slider

The Champion Sound homepage, designed by Matt Lackey and built by myself for digital-telepathy is a mass of overlapping gradients and transparent PNGs. The layout was a challenge for me to build, but once it was worked out the rest was easy. This page incorporates many elements including XML parsing & caching of feeds, a SlideDeck like Slider and JavaScript (Canvas) based fonts.

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