Lighting in Cinema 4D is relatively intuitive and easy. There are a few tools available to us that make it a bit more powerful however. One of these tools (that’s been around for a long time) is the Include/Exclude list for objects in the scene.
Tag: lighting

The Near Clip and Far Clip features in Cinema 4D are pretty useful, but they can be slightly tricky to understand. In the images below, you can see an example of how near clipping will influence a light’s illumination, but in the video we take a look at how it can also influence its shadow. Read More

A post I made in January 2005 on a forum that’s now gone:
“I have decided to do a W.I.P. entailing a lot of atmosphere and a poetic nature … While exploring my artistic side, if I even have one, I’ve decided to model and render a scene containing no bolts, gears or tires. So, I give you the first render of my W.I.P. called ‘Awaiting Company’.”
The original scene had a lady wearing a hat at the end of the hall, and she was indeed awaiting company – a lover’s rendezvous if you will. I got the scene to a point where I was tweaking the lighting and making adjustments to the camera angle. Read More