This tip takes a quick look at one of my favorite Cinema 4D texturing features; the Create UV Mesh command. Creating a UV mesh layer is primarily useful for taking your UV mapped object into another painting package for additional texturing work. BodyPaint 3D provides a comprehensive toolset for painting and editing textures, but Photoshop is the standard, and a lot of texture artists prefer it. Read More
Tag: photoshop
During one of my 3D classes at Platt College, one of my instructors showed us the Making of Varga as a source of inspiration. Funnily enough, the most inspiring part of the process for me was not the modeling or texturing, but specifically the Normal Mapping techniques. Read More
The Typical Scenario
You’ve got a patch of grass, or a ceramic tile, and you need to use it as a pattern. You select the best section you can find, crop it into a nice manageable square, and when you tile it, you realize that the Luminance varies across the image and you’re not sure how to make it all even. Read More