Instead of a Five Minute Tip this week, I thought I’d produce something a little different. One of the more challenging tasks that I face when modeling a motorcycle (something I’ve become quite practiced at) is the creation of the tires. Below is a screencast walking you through the process I’ve recently used. I’ve also included the downloadable project files for you to play with.
Tag: motorcycle

In this video, I walk you through my workflow for UV mapping a fuel tank. It’s a process that’s pretty straightforward, however there are many variations in the technique. Read More

I recently posted a couple of images showing what I’ve learned about modeling a motorcycle tire that’s subdivided. In this screencast, I’ll show you the best way to

Here’s a video walkthrough of the motorcycle chain rig I recently posted. I’m trying to create more screencasts as I think they have long lasting value, just as a blog post like this one does. The main purpose of this walkthrough is to accompany the download for this rig available at TurboSquid. The video below walks you though the modifications necessary

A simple Xpresso motorcycle chain rig for Cinema 4D. This rig was originally created for some of my higher polycount bike models. Its purpose is to provide an easily poseable motorcycle/bicycle/chainsaw style chain that uses Instances to replicate the links.
The length of the chain can be adjusted by adding additional link instances, and the spline that the chain rests on can also be easily manipulated and animated. There is also an animatable value that can be used to make the chain progress.

My first generic sport bike is finally complete, and there’s not much left to say about it. Check out the final (for now) gallery of images for this machine. Do you think I made a good looking bike here? Does it remind you of another bike? Let me know by commenting below. Read More
I’ve been working on this project for a long time. It’s very close to being finished and I wanted to share a render from the end of the modeling phase. About 99% of the geometry is completed at this point and I’m about to begin the texturing phase. Unlike my previous models, this bike will not be fully UV Mapped. The model uses geometry to tell most of the story instead of heavy use of texture maps.

Here are a couple more images of my progress on the “Generic Sport Bike”. One of the challenges with this model is knowing when a part is done. It’s easy to get carried away with the details.
In the images, you can see the “rear hugger” and the tail Read More

There are a few strange aspects of motorcycle tires (sport bike tires specifically). First off, they curve on two different axes simultaneously. Secondly, they usually have intricate tread patterns that seem to have been carved by a tattoo artist; modeling the treads on them is tricky to say the least.
The best approach I’ve found is to not model the treads. Traditionally I’ve used normal mapping or simply bump mapping along with a slight variance in the color map. This weekend I decided to give it another shot: I created an intricate tread pattern Read More

There’s not much left to say, so here are some beauty shots of the KTM RC8 model I’ve been working on for the past 3 months. Read More

My posts have been a bit sparse lately as I’ve been watching the Firefly series again, capping it off with the movie Serenity. If you’ve seen either of these shows, you’ll understand why I might say the following: “Way I figure, that’s a right fine test render you got there.”
Check out the RC8 tag if you want to see more of this model.