Author: Jamie Hamel-Smith

Some Useful MySQL Snippets

Every day at work, I run different MySQL queries to make my life as a developer a little easier. Tools such as phpMyAdmin can be a real benefit, but it’s often quicker to use the command line to run database commands.

Since I work with WordPress the most, here’s a handy snippet that no WordPress developer should be without; update your live database download so it works on your Read More

The Razorback – Part 2: Removing Components & Strengthening the Front Wheel

 Removing Components

The first step in the makeover process is to remove the components that will no longer be needed. We start by removing all the controls and instrumentation. Then the air box area gets stripped and we create a space for the flywheel and batteries.

Strengthening the Front Wheel

The XB12r front wheel is a great looking piece of engineering. It has a rotor that is directly attached to the front rim. Although it’s a great looking piece of engineering, I wanted something that was a bit more proven and robust. I took the front end from the Generic Sport Bike and used that instead. Below is a video of the next step in the process.

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The Razorback – Part 1: Introduction

Concept Daemon Operative

The Razorback; a sword-wielding robotic riderless motorcycle. It sounds like something from a childhood saturday morning cartoon… but deadly. A motorcycle designed for killing and driven by a computer; Razorbacks are truly the stuff of nightmares. Daniel Suarez’s Daemon describes these machines, Read More

Some Cinema 4D Selection Tools

A couple years ago, I recorded a quick video about Cinema 4D’s Selection tools. The video never made it over in my transition to the new site structure and had been lost. I’ve found the screencast Read More

Really Big Sky

RBS is a side scrolling shooter that is extremely challenging and a visual feast! I just picked it up on Steam for a few bucks and if you like shoot-em-ups, then I'd wholeheartedly recommend it. It's currently on special for $2.50, so do you want a burger or this? Oh and I should mention; it's best played with an Xbox 360 controller in my opinion.

Really Big Sky on Steam:

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Headphones Breakdown

Here's an awesome Cinema 4D breakdown for a Ministry of Sound video, from Paul Clements. ( )

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Fuel Tank UV Mapping in Cinema 4D

In this video, I walk you through my workflow for UV mapping a fuel tank. It’s a process that’s pretty straightforward, however there are many variations in the technique. Read More

Daytona Paint Job by Paul

When someone puts one of my models to good use, I always love seeing the story behind it and the final results. Here are a few images of what Paul has been up to with my Daytona model.

Paul mentioned that his IRL Daytona’s paint is looking really bad. He mentioned that the stickers on the tank Read More

17 Tools For Making Awesome Client Presentations

Yet another great post from our blog-guru rockstar designer +Jessica Moon at digital-telepathy #blog

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17 Tools For Making Awesome Client Presentations | Vandelay Design Blog
Ask five designers how they handle client design presentations and you’ll get five different answers. Some like to do their presentations in person, accompanying their designs with printouts detailing…

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Motorcycle Tire Deformation Order

I recently posted a couple of images showing what I’ve learned about modeling a motorcycle tire that’s subdivided. In this screencast, I’ll show you the best way to

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Cinema 4D Motorcycle Chain Rig Walkthrough

Here’s a video walkthrough of the motorcycle chain rig I recently posted. I’m trying to create more screencasts as I think they have long lasting value, just as a blog post like this one does. The main purpose of this walkthrough is to accompany the download for this rig available at TurboSquid. The video below walks you though the modifications necessary

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Panorama of CO2 Chart

I took this image when visiting the Birch Aquarium at Scripps in SanDiego back in 2007. It's composed of three images shot at 14mm and then stitched together and projected as a fisheye. This image is the first that inspired me to get a fisheye lens. I still have not gotten one, but with my current micro-four-thirds setup, a manual focus fisheye is within reach (price-wise). #blog #scripps #panorama

Panorama of CO2 chart

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